The Hooded Hawk Mystery

Plot summary
The Hardy Boys solve a kidnapping and break up a gang smuggling illegal aliens from India who are also holding an Indian prince captive. An official of the Indian government saw to it that a trained peregrine falcon was delivered to the boys to use in their investigation. Throughout their mission the falcon intercepts many messages between the smugglers as the criminals use pigeons to fly messages from place to place. Finally, the boys rescue the Indian prince and catch the human smugglers along with creating a strong bind between India and the Hardys.
Original edition (1954)
- Ghostwriter: Charles S. Strong, rewritten by Harriet S. Adams
- Summary: With help from a trained peregrine falcon, the boys bring a gang of people-smugglers to justice and rescue a captive Indian prince.
Revised edition (1971)
- Revision type: Minor revisions.
- Ghostwriter: Priscilla Baker-Carr