The Yellow Feather Mystery

Plot summary
The Hardy Boys go skating up Willow River toward Woodson Academy where they meet their chum Gregory Woodson. Greg tells them about how his grandfather died seven weeks prior but no one has been able to find his will where he presumably leaves the Woodson Academy to Greg. Greg is also curious about a strange letter that he received which was a blank piece of paper with small rectangular cutouts arranged horizontally and the word ‘Hardy’ printed on it.
With the grandfather’s will missing, the school’s headmaster Henry Kurt is trying to assume ownership of the school against Greg Woodson's wishes. As the story progresses the Hardy Boys and their friends find themselves being attacked by unknown assailants until eventually they are able to locate the missing will and trap the dangerous criminal and solve the Yellow Feather mystery.
Original edition (1953)
- Ghostwriter: William Dougherty
- Summary: The search for a missing will takes the boys to Woodson Academy, where they unmask a dangerous villain.
Revised edition (1971)
- Revision type: Minor revisions.
- Ghostwriter: Priscilla Baker-Carr