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TITLE: Case of dead waiter-Part 2
DATED: 30-Sep-2005
DESCRIPTION: Hearing the scream, Abhijeet, Pradyuman and Priyanka rush to Jhanvi's scene. On seeing the body Abhijeet he has been killed by poison. Jhanvi says that Vikram was her friend who had come to meet her unexpectedly. As she was just leaving for the shoot she told him to stay in the room and drink coffee. And when she came back she saw the room scattered so she was shifted to this room.ACP and Abhijeet go to the old room of Jhavi's and start searching for clues. They see coffee marks and Priyanka was wonderinghow Vikram who drank coffee here ended up in that room. Jhanvi tells them that when she moved she was told that was the only available room so that must have been why the killer left the body there. Priyanka finds identical shoe prints that matches the same one in the conference room. A man without one eye is in a hotel roon and he is shown putting in a false eye and his shoe prints are shown to match. The waiter tells them that he has not done anything. They enact the entire scene with Priyanka as Jhanvi and Fredricks as the waiter. ACP figures that Jhanvi was in the bathroom and hence did not see someone mixing the poison. He says that the person was hiding inthe room in the cabinet. In the Cabinet Abhijeet is abel to see sweat marks of a person. ACP says that the person should have had the keys as they had to get to both the rooms. They go to house keeping who shows them the key right then they notice the master key mising. Jhanvi and her photgrapher are talking in the restaurant and they show that man watching.She is about to drink the juice when ACP tells her to watch out as it looks like they were trying to kill her and instead others got killed. Priyanka remains behind to be her body guard. Abhijeet finds out the fingerprints were Ganpat. Also Abhijeet finds out the following written on the paper that was used to cover the 3 lakhs I N T R C T C L B. also the paper looks like it was used to cover some copper or bronze artifact. They figure this to be a club and look for those that start with I. There is a club Intercity that has given awards to celebrities and one them is Lekha a model. They also figure out Jhanvi was doing a perfume shoot and for that there was a hunt. Jhanvi was first while Lekha was second. They go to Lekha and tell her that she wants to kill Jhanvi so she will model for the perfume company. Lekha says no she did not do anything. Abhijeet shows her the nakli eye and she says Ashish is her brother and he is the one who has a nakli eye and he can do anything for her. Jhanvi goes to the room to change along witha guy who has her clothes while Priyanka stays out as Abhijeet sends the photo. On seeing the photo priyanka recognzes that to be the man and runs behind. Ashish takes Jhanvi to the roof top . Lekha comes there and tells Ashish to come down. While ACP and Lekha are trying to get Ashish to listen to them Priyanka manages to reach there and manages to free Jhanvi and arrest Ashish.

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